Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
force_new_round | 1700 | - | |
set_max_selected_candidates | 1702 | 1 | |
set_blocks_per_round | 1703 | 1 | |
set_max_candidate_stake | 1704 | 1 | |
force_remove_candidate | 1705 | 1 | |
join_candidates | 1706 | 1 | |
init_leave_candidates | 1707 | - | |
execute_leave_candidates | 1708 | 1 | |
cancel_leave_candidates | 1709 | - | |
candidate_stake_more | 170a | 1 | |
candidate_stake_less | 170b | 1 | |
join_delegators | 170c | 2 | |
delegate_another_candidate | 170d | 2 | |
leave_delegators | 170e | - | |
revoke_delegation | 170f | 1 | |
delegator_stake_more | 1710 | 2 | |
delegator_stake_less | 1711 | 2 | |
unlock_unstaked | 1712 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
NewRound | 1700 | ["BlockNumber","SessionIndex"] | |
EnteredTopCandidates | 1701 | ["AccountId"] | |
LeftTopCandidates | 1702 | ["AccountId"] | |
JoinedCollatorCandidates | 1703 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
CollatorStakedMore | 1704 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
CollatorStakedLess | 1705 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
CollatorScheduledExit | 1706 | ["SessionIndex","AccountId","SessionIndex"] | |
CollatorCanceledExit | 1707 | ["AccountId"] | |
CandidateLeft | 1708 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
CollatorRemoved | 1709 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
MaxCandidateStakeChanged | 170a | ["BalanceOf"] | |
DelegatorStakedMore | 170b | ["AccountId","AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
DelegatorStakedLess | 170c | ["AccountId","AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
DelegatorLeft | 170d | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
Delegation | 170e | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
DelegationReplaced | 170f | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","AccountId","BalanceOf","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
DelegatorLeftCollator | 1710 | ["AccountId","AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
Rewarded | 1711 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
MaxSelectedCandidatesSet | 1712 | ["u32","u32"] | |
BlocksPerRoundSet | 1713 | ["SessionIndex","BlockNumber","BlockNumber","BlockNumber"] |
Name | Type | |
MaxSelectedCandidates | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
Round | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"parachain_staking:types:RoundInfo","PlainTypeValue":344} | |
LastDelegation | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"parachain_staking:types:DelegationCounter","keys_id":0,"value_id":345}} | |
DelegatorState | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"parachain_staking:types:Delegator","keys_id":0,"value_id":346}} | |
CandidatePool | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"parachain_staking:types:Candidate","keys_id":0,"value_id":351}} | |
CounterForCandidatePool | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
TotalCollatorStake | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"parachain_staking:types:TotalStake","PlainTypeValue":355} | |
TopCandidates | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<parachain_staking:types:Stake>","PlainTypeValue":356} | |
Unstaking | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:U32U128>","keys_id":0,"value_id":358}} | |
MaxCollatorCandidateStake | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
ForceNewRound | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Bool","PlainTypeValue":43} |
Name | Type | Value | |
MinBlocksPerRound | U32 | 2c010000 | |
DefaultBlocksPerRound | U32 | b0040000 | |
StakeDuration | U32 | e0c40000 | |
ExitQueueDelay | U32 | 02000000 | |
MinCollators | U32 | 04000000 | |
MinRequiredCollators | U32 | 04000000 | |
MaxDelegationsPerRound | U32 | 01000000 | |
MaxDelegatorsPerCollator | U32 | 19000000 | |
MaxCollatorsPerDelegator | U32 | 01000000 | |
MaxTopCandidates | U32 | 80000000 | |
MinCollatorStake | U128 | 0000407ba5f06381960a000000000000 | |
MinCollatorCandidateStake | U128 | 0000407ba5f06381960a000000000000 | |
MinDelegation | U128 | 000010632d5ec76b0500000000000000 | |
MinDelegatorStake | U128 | 000010632d5ec76b0500000000000000 | |
MaxUnstakeRequests | U32 | 0a000000 | |
PotId | [U8; 8] | 506f745374616b65 |
Name | Docs |
DelegatorNotFound | The account is not part of the delegators set. |
CandidateNotFound | The account is not part of the collator candidates set. |
DelegatorExists | The account is already part of the delegators set. |
CandidateExists | The account is already part of the collator candidates set. |
ValStakeZero | The account tried to stake more or less with amount zero. |
ValStakeBelowMin | The account has not staked enough funds to be added to the collatorcandidates set. |
ValStakeAboveMax | The account has already staked the maximum amount of funds possible. |
NomStakeBelowMin | The account has not staked enough funds to become a delegator. |
DelegationBelowMin | The account has not staked enough funds to delegate a collatorcandidate. |
AlreadyLeaving | The collator candidate has already trigger the process to leave theset of collator candidates. |
NotLeaving | The collator candidate wanted to execute the exit but has notrequested to leave before by calling `init_leave_candidates`. |
CannotLeaveYet | The collator tried to leave before waiting at least for`ExitQueueDelay` many rounds. |
CannotJoinBeforeUnlocking | The account has a full list of unstaking requests and needs tounlock at least one of these before being able to join (again).NOTE: Can only happen if the account was a candidate ordelegator before and either got kicked or exited voluntarily. |
AlreadyDelegating | The account is already delegating the collator candidate. |
NotYetDelegating | The account has not delegated any collator candidate yet, hence itis not in the set of delegators. |
DelegationsPerRoundExceeded | The delegator has exceeded the number of delegations per round whichis equal to MaxDelegatorsPerCollator.This protects against attacks in which a delegator can re-delegatefrom a collator who has already authored a block, to another onewhich has not in this round. |
TooManyDelegators | The collator candidate has already reached the maximum number ofdelegators.This error is generated in case a new delegation request does notstake enough funds to replace some other existing delegation. |
TooFewCollatorCandidates | The set of collator candidates would fall below the required minimumif the collator left. |
CannotStakeIfLeaving | The collator candidate is in the process of leaving the set ofcandidates and cannot perform any other actions in the meantime. |
CannotDelegateIfLeaving | The collator candidate is in the process of leaving the set ofcandidates and thus cannot be delegated to. |
MaxCollatorsPerDelegatorExceeded | The delegator has already delegated the maximum number of candidatesallowed. |
AlreadyDelegatedCollator | The delegator has already previously delegated the collatorcandidate. |
DelegationNotFound | The given delegation does not exist in the set of delegations. |
Underflow | The collator delegate or the delegator is trying to un-stake morefunds that are currently staked. |
CannotSetAboveMax | The number of selected candidates per staking round isabove the maximum value allowed. |
CannotSetBelowMin | The number of selected candidates per staking round isbelow the minimum value allowed. |
InvalidSchedule | An invalid reward rate configuration is trying to be set. |
NoMoreUnstaking | The staking reward being unlocked does not exist.Max unlocking requests reached. |
StakeNotFound | Provided staked value is zero. Should never be thrown. |
UnstakingIsEmpty | Cannot unlock when Unstaked is empty. |